Monday, 13 August 2007

Under the milky way tonight

Spent a pleasant Saturday evening in the company of the Solent Amateur Astronomers, a special open day to view the Perseid meteor shower. Perfect conditions-clear and no moon (which apparently will rather make a mess of viewing next year). They showed us Jupiter and 4 moons through the 14 inch Meade Telescope, and the Andromeda Galaxy through some binoculars. Also saw very clearly a band of stars of the Milky Way, and the Space Station whizzed by twice while we were there, extra bright apparently due to the shuttle docked with it.

And another of the occasional series I like to call 'song lyrics stuck in my brain'-this time The Beautiful South with Dumb

"The sun, the sky, the moon, the stars, Jupiter, Neptune and Mars, all these things I clearly see"

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